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Ricki Raxxx

(Ranking 645) Mas de Ricki Raxxx @ Brazzers

59% | 69569 vistas

Ricki Raxxx
Nombre: Ricki Raxxx
Fecha de Nacimiento: 06-06-1980
Pais de Nacimiento: USA
Estado: Pennsylvania
Altura: 160
Peso: 57
Medidas: 36F-24-36
Color de Pelo: negro
Color de Ojos: brown
Etnicidad: blanco
Tatuajes/Piercings: large female figure on back; right sleeve has scenes of she-devils having sex in various positions and the name gianni on her right wrist; left sleeve has a world war ii calendar pin-up scene on it; left lower arm says 'sex, drugs and rock & roll' / both inner labia and clitoris hood; right nostril; navel ring
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